"My mom wanted me to go so I could get better in math," said Fisher, who will be a freshman at Roseville High School this fall.
After the first day, Fisher admitted he "kind of liked it." He soon took to the class.
"I like learning new stuff," he said.
The math camp is offered June 22 through July 23 at Eastland Junior
High School. It is open to students going into eighth-and ninth-grades
this fall who would like or need more help in mathematics.
The camp, which contains plenty of hands-on assignments, meets from 8 a.m. to noon Monday through Thursday.
The Macomb Intermediate School District funds the program.
There are four teachers manning four classrooms. Through grant money,
RCS officials have supplied five math coaches to assist the students.
The camp is open to EJHS and Roseville Junior High School students.
The students spend 50 percent of their time working on computers using
the Carnegie Learning Program, and the other 50 percent in a classroom
setting. This is the second summer the camp has been offered.
Math teacher Jason Lacy said the camp is primarily for students who
scored low on this year's Michigan Educational Assessment Program test.
Some students who attended last year's camp came back this year.
According to Lacy, many students who enrolled in last summer's program
improved their MEAP scores this year. Educators also saw improvements
in their math grades during the past school year. Lacy believes many
students who struggle in math do so because they lack confidence in the
"We try to focus on building their confidence in math and making them
feel like they can believe in themselves," Lacy said. "They get
discouraged in a traditional classroom setting. In a smaller setting,
everyone is kind of at the same level." The smaller class sizes not
only give students more individualized attention, but also allow
teachers the opportunity to identify the students'talents.
"You can focus on what they can do," Lacy said.
Teacher Tiffany Pomaville said she already saw an improvement in scores since the first week of class.
This summer, the eighth-grade students are working on fractions, decimals, ratios and percentages.
The incoming ninth-graders are focusing on positive and negative numbers, linear equations and algebra.
"I like it," Eastland eighthgrade student Jeremy Radway said of the
program. "We work on multiplication, subtraction and fractions. I like
the classroom and the computer lab. I like the work.
I like doing fractions." Radway wasn't too thrilled at first at the
thought of attending school in the summer, but said the program will
help him a lot and because of it he "will do better in school." Last
Wednesday morning, incoming Eastland eighth-grader Jessica Lacey worked
on equivalent fractions. She wanted to enroll in the math camp.
"I want to learn more about math so I can get into eighthgrade," she
said. She said she received a C-plus this past year in math, and wants
to bring that grade up to a B.
You can reach Staff Writer Maria Allard at allard@candgnews.com or at (586) 498-1045.